SN Reference Project Title Client Customer Base  Industry Date Duration Basis of Contract (Fixed Price or Man Hours) Keywords and Standards Nature of Support from PMSC Content Safety Content RAM Content Human Factors  Content Systems Engineering and Integration  Project Summary Key Deliverables Man Hours - only applies to larger projects Status as of January 2005 PI Invoked  Disputes Arising as a result of PMSC work or performance
0000 000 Secondment to Rosyth Royal Dockyards  Mott MacDonald, Glasgow, Scotland  United Kingdom Nuclear 1992 6 months Reimbursable  Safety Case and Project Management  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working a amember of the Project Coordinator Auditor team PMSC provided personnel in the safety support function to the MoD at Rosyth.  The team was evaluating the feasibility of locating the Trident Refit Facility at Rosyth Royal Dockyards. Various inputs to PCA Reports 1200 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0001 001a Safety Management Systems Review  Bechtel for Elf Aquitaine Norge, Norway Norway Oil and Gas 1992 4 months Reimbursable  Safety Case and Project Management and Safety Criticvality Activity Auditing on shore and Offshore  Consultancy  YES NO NO YES PMSC provided support to Bechtel on their Safety audit of the Elf Aquitaine Norge operating company in Norway.  The audits required a structured evaluation of Control, Adequacy and Completeness of safety critical activities performed or managed by Elf in the course of their business operations in Norway and in the North Sea.  A series of about 60 structured interviews were held and the analysis of the companies Safety Management System undertaken.  A management action plan was compiled to be able to implement corrective action. - SMS Audit Report
- Reports from Key Interviews (eg OIM, Rig Room etc)
- Analysis of key safety critical activities for Control Adequacy and Validation
700 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0001 001 Common Cause Failure Methods Research HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1992 4 months Fixed price CCF Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working on behalf of HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, PMSC Limited investigated the distinction between “direct” and “indirect” Common Cause Failure system defences. PMSC developed methods to allow a ranking of these defences, in terms of their effect in reducing the likelihood of CCFs.
The checklist consisted of specific questions which were raised on a system in a way in which the levels of CCF defence present could be readily identified and assessed. The ranking exercise was undertaken using a series of paired comparisons to judge the comparative weight of influence of each defence. Examples of the direct defences considered were redundancy, diversity, separation and segregation, whilst the indirect defences considered were defences such as reliability analysis.
The culmination of this research was to produce a framework and checklist for the purposes of CCF auditing.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0002 002 Peer Reviews (THORP) HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1993 6 months Fixed price Peer Review, HAZAN, FTA Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for the Health & Safety Executive Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, PMSC Limited assisted with the peer review of the various THORP safety case submissions.
The reviews concentrated on the feed pond, the dissolvers and the various HAZANs performed in support of the safety case. In total, some 30 HAZANs were reviewed for a variety of fault scenarios. In each case, the fault tree analysis was independently verified using the Isograph fault tree construction and analysis TGR code. Examples of the types of scenarios reviewed were as follows:
v      Potential criticalities
v      Dropped objects
v      Impacts
v      Contamination problems
v      Aerial discharge
Technical notes were prepared on behalf of HM NII to assist their decision-making process and allow them to consider the overall view on safety.
Various Technical Peer Review Reports  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0003 003 Common Cause Failure Study (Wylfa Power Station) HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1992 3 months Fixed price CCF Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited acted as the co-ordinating consultants for the Health & Safety Executive in a CCF in PSA comparisons study. PMSC’s remit was firstly to help organise the competitive bidding process and produce the required technical specifications for the work; and secondly to produce a summary report for the project, comparing and contrasting the methods and results from the study.
The study comprised three consultants applying various CCF predictive methods to three pre-selected systems at the Wylfa Magnox Power Station in Anglesey. The CCF methods applied were as follows:
v      CCF cut-off method
v      Modified partial Beta Factor method
v      Partial Beta Factor method
v      Multiple Greek letter method
The pre-selected systems were the Tertiary Feedwater System, Electrical Overlay System and the Reactor Ancillary Cooling Water System. At the time of the study, the EOLS was only in the design concept stage. The TFWS was present but not yet commissioned, whilst the RACWS was fully operational. Hence, a cross-section of arrangements was analysed.
In order to facilitate the CCF analysis, the consultants selected for this study also constructed fault trees for each of the systems in order to compare the random contributions to those from CCFs.
Research Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0004 004 Safety Case Scoping Study for the Jubilee Line Extension London Underground Limited, London United Kingdom Rail 1993 3 months Fixed price Safety Case, Management, Safety Strategy Consultancy  YES YES YES YES PM Safety Consultants Limited was responsible for scoping out the complete requirements for a railway Safety Case. The scoping study included both the technical requirements and the strategic options available to the management team to complete the safety case and maintain “ownership”, a key HSE requirement. In addition to the production of the safety case itself, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel also gave advice on aspects of living PRA, and the concept of a rolling programme for the safety case. Presentations on these topics were given to senior management and at project director level, so that the London Underground Jubilee Line extension team could formulate their safety strategy. The advice PM Safety Consultants Limited gave was to build up an in-house team with a significant amount of work done within London Underground Limited. In addition, the use of consultants for some specialist areas was recommended. This advice was not fully acted upon. Strategic Study Report on Technical and Commercial Managerial Issues Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0005 005 Heysham 2 Buffer Store Extension Cooling System Nuclear Electric (Barnwood) United Kingdom Nuclear 1993 2 months Fixed price FTA, Reliability Modelling Consultancy  YES NO YES YES Working directly for Nuclear Electric, PMSC Limited was appointed as the independent verification consultant for the reliability analysis of the cooling system (performed by SRC), and the reliability analysis of the electrical supplies to the essential service boards (performed by NNC).
PMSC’s role was to co-ordinate and interface the two studies. To facilitate this work, PMSC recreated the fault tree analysis on its in-house fault tree package (TGR Ver. 4), and performed independent calculations to check the analysis.
As a result of PMSC Limited’s co-ordination role, several recommendations were made to both NNC and SRC via Nuclear Electric to help interface the studies more smoothly, to achieve a consistent basis for the study.

Post-Project Note
It is understood that recommendations from this project resulted in projects 006 and 011 (both on Heysham) being awarded to PMSC Limited.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0006 006 Reliability Analysis of the C & I for Heysham II CO2 Plant Nuclear Electric (Barnwood) – Now British Energy United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 2 ½ months Fixed price C & I, Reliability Analysis Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for Nuclear Electric, PMSC Limited performed a parts count reliability analysis on the C&I design for the Heysham 2 CO2 Plant. This work involved a review of the control and instrumentation diagrams for the following areas:
v      Auxiliary boiler control
v      Package boiler control
v      LP/HP transfer pumps
v      PSU/Vaporiser control valve
The reliability predictions utilised Military Standard 217E Notice 1, and IEEE 500 as the baseline data sources. However, for some of the power pack units vendor service data was used. This work formed part of the design substantiation for the case for onload refuelling for Heysham 2.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0007 007 Hazards Review / QRA Model & Database for the Jubilee Line Extension London Underground Limited United Kingdom Rail 1993 4 months Fixed price Hazards Identification, QRA, FTA, ETA, Database Consultancy  YES NO NO YES Working directly for London Underground Limited, a major railway operator, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel assisted in the production of the detailed technical specification for the Hazards Review package to support the eventual production of the Safety Case for the proposed new railway line. The production of the specification required a knowledge of the existing studies performed, together with an understanding of the methodology to be employed. The intention was to use the technical scope of work in a competitive tender. This project was undertaken in one month.

PM Safety Consultants Limited were also involved in setting up the initial Quantified Risk Assessment model for a major railway undertaking, and producing a database of fault data. The database was set up on Alpha IV using fault data for the existing and operational section of the railway, as well as other relevant fault models. The database provided the information necessary for the Fault Tree Analyses (FTA) using TGR software. Consequence analyses were performed by means of Event Tree Analyses using ETA software. A comparison was made between these findings and the results obtained from an earlier risk model for the existing line, and any weaknesses were highlighted. The new risk model and database formed the basis for the proposed hazards review, where both sections of line would become interfaced.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0008 008 Railway Safety Case Union Railways Limited, Croydon United Kingdom Rail 1993 3 months Reimbursable Safety Case, Peer Review Consultancy  YES NO NO YES Working directly for Union Railways Limited (a division of British Rail), PM Safety Consultants Limited assisted in the development of the bid evaluation procedures for the railway safety case and peer review contracts. In addition to the preparation of the evaluation procedures, PMSC personnel provided an interim peer review function pending the appointment of the peer review safety consultant. Topics covered as part of the interim peer review were as follows:
·         Initiating fault schedules
·         Safety case content and format
·         Probabilistic criteria
·         Single versus dual track tunnels
·         Fault schedule hazard log
·         Corporate evacuation policy and strategy.
Post Project Note
Union Railways Limited became the client company for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, responsible for the day-to-day development of the project under the direction of Rail Link Engineering Limited.
Study Report  500 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0009 009 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1994 18 months  Reimbursable HAZOP, RCM Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for AECL, PM Safety Consultants Limited provided ongoing technical support to the Canadian Nuclear Research programme.
Specifically, PMSC Limited personnel assisted on the HAZOPs and safety submissions for the MAPLEX project and various other reprocessing facilities at the Deep River site in Ontario, Canada. In addition, PMSC personnel also performed reliability and maintainability calculations as part of the reliability centred maintenance strategy being adopted and implemented by AECL. PMSC’s work was carried out under the management supervision of the Regulatory Services division, and was for submission to the Atomic Energy Control Board, the Canadian regulatory body.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the work, additional details are confidential and cannot be disclosed.
Study Report  2600 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0010 010 EQE / PMSC Joint Bid to SNL EQE, Warrington United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 2 weeks Fixed Price Bid Preparation Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Bid cancelled therefore project did not proceed. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0011 011 Heysham II CO2 Cooling System Nuclear Electric (Barnwood) – Now British Energy United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 5 months Fixed price FTA, Reliability Modelling Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was appointed by Nuclear Electric as the reliability consultant for this project. The CO2 cooling system was undergoing design modification to support the case for provision of cooling to the fuelling machine for onload refuelling of the reactor.
This system was required to meet specified design targets, and the reliability model developed for the project was instrumental in the decision-making process. The model was developed from the system schematics, and the failure rate data used was from PMSC’s in-house sources, supplemented by site-specific data wherever possible. The fault tree analysis was constructed and analysed utilising the Isograph TGR (Ver. 4) software.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0012 012 Safety Case Handbook Furness Engineering Limited (FETL) for Marathon Oil (UK), Aberdeen United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1993 1 ½ months Reimbursable  Safety Case, Risk Analysis, QRA Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working under sub-contract to FETL, PM Safety Consultants Limited took the lead technical role in Stage 1 of the preparation of the Safety Case handbook for Brae A, Brae B and East Brae. The Safety Case handbook was aimed at demonstrating work-force participation and understanding of the Safety Case to the HSE. Stage 1 of the process was the interview of key post holders to outline and scope out the detailed requirements for the Safety Case. One of the key issues was interpretation of the Quantified Risk Analysis (QRA) using data from risks in other industries and other types of voluntary activities such as smoking etc.. Study Report  200 Completed  No PI Required by Customer PMSC had cause to issue solicitors letter to obtain payment from FETL who had unreasonably withheld final invoice payment - payment was subsequently made in full by FETL within 1 week of reciept of a High Court Writ from PMSC citing them as defendant and PMSC as Plaintiff.
0013 013 Peer Review of Safety Cases Conoco UK Limited, Aberdeen United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1993 1 month Reimbursable Peer Review, Safety Case, QRA Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working under sub-contract to the FETL/ALTRA Joint Venture, PMSC Limited took a lead role in the technical aspects of the peer review of the Section 5s (Control of Major Hazards) for the following installation safety cases:
·         Murdoch and Caister (NNMI)
·         Lyell (sub-sea) fixed and combined operations
·         Murchison
This work required firstly a broad review of the Section 5 content, and secondly a point by point review of content against HSE safety case regulations. The later stage was undertaken with the use of a proforma matrix, which PMSC personnel helped to develop.
The results of this peer review, together with a description of the methods used, were proposed to be included within the Conoco Safety Case for submission to the HSE (OSD).

Post Project Note
The Conoco Safety Cases were accepted by the HSE OSD.
Study Report  150 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0014 014 CCF Assessors Guidebook HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 3 months Fixed price CCF, Guidebook Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for the HSE Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, PMSC Limited assisted with the preparation of a CCF Assessors Guidebook. The work required the review of ten selected CCF methods as indicated below:
1.            Beta Factor Method
2.            Partial Beta Factor Method
3.            Enhanced Partial Beta Factor Method
4.            Extended Partial Beta Factor Method
5.            Rolls Royce Beta Factor Method
6.            CCF Cut-Off Method
7.            Multiple Greek Letter Method
8.            Dependent Failure Probability DFP Method
9.            C Factor Method
10.          Binomial Failure Rate Model

In each case, the guidebook presented a description of the method, and its data requirements. Furthermore, a critique of each method was presented in order to identify the pros and cons of each method.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0015 015A Safety Analysis Report Railtrack Major Projects Division United Kingdom Rail 1994 9 months Reimbursable Safety Analysis, Management, Safety Strategy, Clearances Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack Major Projects Division South Zone, PM Safety Consultants Limited was responsible for co-ordinating the production of the Safety Analysis Report on clearances for the passage of both the new passenger-carrying rolling stock (Class 373/1 – Eurostar) and freight vehicles over the existing infrastructure between the Channel Tunnel and London. The study included the management of a civil engineering sub-contractor (CEDAC, Croydon) providing support to the analysis. PMSC personnel prepared scopes of work for the sub-contractor and then managed the programme of work throughout the project. The analysis was undertaken using the latest calculations for the derived Kinematic Envelope for the Class 373 train vehicles, and covered all major structures adjacent to the railway routes, i.e. tunnels, station platforms, under-bridges, over-bridges, footbridges and other miscellaneous structures such as viaducts and gas pipes. In total some 700 structures were reviewed, covering Channel Tunnel routes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Study Report  1350 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0016 015B Hazards Operability Study for Ballast Gluing – Channel Tunnel Routes Railtrack Major Projects Division United Kingdom Rail 1994 3 weeks Reimbursable HAZOP Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack Major Projects Division South Zone, PM Safety Consultants Limited was responsible for organising a HAZOP study on the topic of ballast gluing for the provision of lateral restraint. Ballast gluing was used extensively on the South Zone Channel Tunnel routes, and as such a HAZOP was organised and implemented to identify any major hazards posed by the process. The role of PMSC personnel was initially to prepare the HAZOP brief and send it to the attendees for comment and review, and then to perform the role of HAZOP secretary at the meeting itself, and prepare the minutes of the meeting together with the detailed HAZOP action sheets. Finally, once all the HAZOP action sheets were closed out, a full report on the HAZOP was prepared for submission to the appropriate SAP in support of the overall safety case for clearances. Study Report  120 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0017 016 Safety Analysis for SNL Dry Store Vaults & Storage Tubes GEC Alstom Engineering Systems Limited, Whetstone, Leicestershire. United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 6 months Reimbursable Safety Analysis, Safety Case, ETA, Radiological Consequences Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly with GEC ESL, PMSC Limited personnel undertook detailed safety analysis for the Scottish Nuclear Dry Store proposed for both Torness and Hunterston. Specifically, PMSC personnel undertook detailed event tree construction and analysis for Work Area 6, vaults and storage tubes.

The event tree analysis required consideration of the following aspects:
1.            Identification of bounding fuel damage sites.
2.            Identification, description and quantification of event tree nodes.
3.            Scoping out the requirements for the radiological consequence analysis.
4.            Interpretation of the frequency and consequence results in terms of dose band information and expenditure of the dose band budget.

The culmination of this work was the preparation of the detailed System Design Substantiation document for submission to HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate.

Post-Project Note
The Dry Store project was cancelled by the client (Scottish Nuclear) on 28th February 1995, in favour of reprocessing at THORP.
Study Report  900 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0018 017 Preparation of Safety Case Documentation for SNL Dry Store Thompsons Nuclear Engineering Limited, Wolverhampton United Kingdom Nuclear 1994 2 months Reimbursable Safety Analysis, Safety Case Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly with TNE at Wolverhampton, PMSC Limited personnel prepared the detailed System Design Substantiation documents which underpinned the production of the safety case for the fuel drying machine and associated interlocks for the SNL Dry Store.
Post-Project Note
The Dry Store project was cancelled by the client (Scottish Nuclear) on 28th February 1995, in favour of reprocessing at THORP.
Study Report  320 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0019 018A Risk Analysis of LTF 25 Wheel Set Blue Print Engineering Services for Powell Duffryn, Cardiff UK United Kingdom Rail 1995 6 months Fixed price HAZOP, Risk Analysis Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was responsible for providing advice on how to conduct a risk analysis on the Low Track Force (LTF) 25 on behalf of Powell Duffryn, the bogie wheel set designers. The owner of the wheel sets was ARC operated via Mendip Rail, mounted on hopper vehicles used to carry aggregate. The approach was to hold a HAZOP session using keywords and deviation agreed prior to the HAZOP in the briefing note which was sent to all participants. The HAZOP identified several guidewords which represented major component items in the wheel set, including:
·         Wheel seat
·         Bearing seat
·         Axle
·         Bearing inner ring, cage and outer ring
·         Axlebox
·         Wheel set re-assembly
·         External factors
·         Management of the fleet
At each stage the deviations were applied to the guidewords, the potential hazards discussed and any protection available to mitigate the hazard identified. Each scenario was then ranked via the risk matrix in terms of overall risk. The process was fully documented in a report which was submitted to the vehicle acceptance body The Engineering Link.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0020 018B QRA of LTF 25 Wheel Set Blue Print Engineering Services for Powell Duffryn, Belper, Derbyshire. United Kingdom Rail 1995 3 months Fixed price QRA, HEART Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was asked to provide a Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for the LTF 25 wheel set. The vehicle acceptance body, The Engineering Link, mandated that the QRA would be required in order to facilitate consideration of allowing the LTF 25 wheel set back into service. The QRA was conducted based on the hazardous sequences identified by the earlier HAZOP. The QRA also included a human reliability assessment using the Human Error And Reduction Technique (HEART) applied to the wheel set inspection regime. The QRA was documented, and after comments was accepted by the Vehicle Acceptance Authority. The wheel sets were allowed back into service. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0021 019 Risk Analysis Specification for the West of Shetland Field Development Allott & Lomax for Allomax, Manchester United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1995 1 week Fixed price Risk Analysis, ALARP Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for Allott & Lomax on behalf of British Petroleum, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel prepared a specification for a Risk Analysis framework for the West of Shetland field development. The specification focused on providing a framework within which engineering decisions could be made, to ensure that the risk posed by the sub-sea facilities was acceptable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0022 020 Production of a Generic Quantified Risk Assessment Template British Gas Exploration & Production, Reading UK United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1995 4 months Fixed price QRA, EER Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for British Gas E&P, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel prepared a generic risk analysis template using the Fault and Event Tree construction and analysis tool “Fault Tree Plus”.
The model developed was for a representative range of initiating fault conditions, and considered the level of fatality and injury under certain cascading conditions. The full details of the model are confidential, however, the model is capable of being fully automated to produce a cumulative frequency versus consequences curve as the end product. Since the model is fully automated, if the demographics of the platform are changed, the model can be edited electronically within a few hours to produce the new answer. Hence, the model provides the user with great power and flexibility in the production of sensitivity analysis.
- QRA Report including Fault and Event Tree modelling  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0023 021 Heathrow Express EMU Document Review Interfleet Technology, Derby UK United Kingdom Rail 1995 2 months Reimbursable Independent Review, Railway Safety Analysis, RAMS Analysis Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was requested to act in the role of an independent assessor and carry out a review of the Reliability, Safety and Maintainability Plan, and also a Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis documents prepared by Siemens, relating to the new trains for the Heathrow Express.  This review was conducted on behalf of Interfleet Technology, Derby who were acting as the procurement agent for the British Airports Authority. Study Report  120 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0024 022 Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis of Signalling - Jubilee Line Extension Westinghouse Signals Limited, Chippenham United Kingdom Rail 1995 3 months Reimbursable FMECA, Signalling Secondment YES NO NO NO Working for Westinghouse Signals, PM Safety Consultants Limited were responsible for the preparation of the Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for the Speed and Location Module, which was part of the moving block signalling system to be installed on the London Underground Limited Jubilee Line extension. This work required a detailed understanding of digital electronics and the system operation. The FMECA was undertaken at pin level, i.e. stuck HIGH and stuck LOW. Wherever possible, the built-in test equipment BITE was identified as a means to reveal faults. The FMECA was conducted over three months, and involved extensive consultations with the designers of the module.
Post Project Note
In 1998 a decision was taken not to implement a moving block signalling system, and a fixed block system was installed instead.
Study Report  450 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0025 023 Clearance Safety Work Allot & Lomax, Manchester United Kingdom Rail 1995 6 Months Fixed price EPS, Clearance, Risk Assessment, Networker Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working as an advisor to Allot & Lomax, PM Safety Consultants worked on the safety aspects of the EPS / Networker Project on the ECML. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0026 024 Clearance Safety Work Railtrack United Kingdom Rail 1995 1 month Fixed price EPS, Clearance, Risk Assessment, Networker Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC assisted with clearances on the Boat Train routes. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0027 025 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1995/96 12 man months Reimbursable Nuclear Safety, HAZOP, Risk Assessment Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited placed a safety consultant on attachment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to assist them with their safety and licensing assessment work load associated with the various facilities at Deep River and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Canada.
The nature of the work was to perform safety studies such as HAZOP’s, FTA and other risk assessment on the AECL plant.
Various internal reports to AECL. 1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0028 026 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1995/96 12 man months Reimbursable Nuclear Safety, HAZOP, Risk Assessment Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited placed a safety consultant on attachment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to assist them with their safety and licensing assessment work load associated with the various facilities at Deep River and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Canada.
The nature of the work was to perform safety studies such as HAZOP’s, FTA and other risk assessment on the AECL plant.
Various internal reports to AECL. 1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0029 027 Various small safety and reliability projects for Interfleet Ltd Interfleet Technology, Derby UK United Kingdom Rail Jul-95 3 Months Fixed price Risk Assessment, Hazard Sheets, Risk Assignment, Risk Identification, Risk Management, FTA, ETA, FMECA, Class 91 Consultancy  YES NO NO NO 1)Production of task safety plans and associated guidance for the Interfleet engineers that includes:

Risk Assessment
Hazard Sheets
Risk Assignment
Risk Identification
Risk Management

2)Reliability Apportionment exercise for the class 91 drive link vibration detection system (18 man hours)

3)HST Halon Replacement Project
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0030 028A Hazards Operability Study Guidance Documents Railtrack Major Projects Division, North West Zone United Kingdom Rail 1995 2 weeks Fixed price HAZOP Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack Major Projects Division North West Zone, PM Safety Consultants Limited was responsible for the production of a HAZOP guidance report. The guidance report presented the basis of the technique, and the application of keywords and deviations to the processes being considered by the HAZOP. In addition, the document included guidance on how to organise and report the HAZOP by the production of briefing notes prior to the meeting, minutes and actions after the meeting, and the final HAZOP report once the actions were closed out. Schematics were also used to facilitate understanding of the process by non-safety specialists. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0031 028B European Passenger Services Operations North of London Railtrack Major Projects Division, North West Zone, Manchester  United Kingdom Rail 1996 6 months Reimbursable HAZOP, Safety Case, CDM Regulations Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel acted in the Planning Supervisor role for the EPS North of London project. In addition, under the CDM regulations, PMSC personnel developed the required project Safety Cases for each of the routes being used by EPS rolling stock (Class 373/2) in the North West. The route considered were as follows:

·         The primary route into Manchester Piccadilly via the Styal line.
·         The core route into Manchester Piccadilly via Stockport Station.
·         The diversionary route via Macclesfield.
·         The route north of Manchester to the West Coast Main Line.
·         Parts of the West Coast Main Line.

In addition to the safety case work, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel were involved in the hazards identification studies for the Overhead Line Equipment, Signalling and P/Way works. The work itself was mainly a conversion from a dual track circuited system with impedance boxes to a return conductor system using one rail for traction current and one rail for the signalling track circuits. This approach was aimed at reducing the instance of wrong side failures and other telecoms interference. Other specific hazards reviews were organised and reported for the proposed station works at Piccadilly Station, and the reconstruction of a bridge in the Sandbach area (Bridge 14).
Study Report  960 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0032 029 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear June/July 1995 12 months Reimbursable Human Factors  Secondment YES NO NO NO Nuclear Safety Work on behalf of AECL, Deep River Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0033 030 Secondment of Safety personnel to GEC Alstom GEC Birmingham United Kingdom Rail Apr-96 24 months  Reimbursable Rolling Stock Risk Assessments for Channel Tunnel Night Stock and Northern Line projects Secondment YES NO NO NO LUL Northern Line – Contract L15 (Further Information is in limitation) Study Report  3600 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0034 031 Southern Track Renewals STRC, Croydon United Kingdom Rail 1996 2 Months Fixed Price Safety Management Systems  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO General Safety Advice on Railway Maintenance infrastructure projects Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0035 032 25 kV Earth Temporary Strap inspection / application RK & D Rust Kennedy & Donkin, Manchester United Kingdom Rail Feb-96 2 Months Fixed Price Risk Assessment Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Risk assessment and safety case for the earth strap for the 25 kV supply. In accordance to the railway standard EHQ/IN/0/003. To provide recommendations from the analysis based on revised base failure rate data and provide a safety procedure. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0036 033 Network Train Engineering Services NTEC, Derby now WS Atkins, Derby United Kingdom Rail 1996 1 month Fixed Price Fault Tree analysis Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC assisted NTES in the construction of several fault trees for train systems. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0037 034 Simplified Approach to the Development of Railtrack MPD Project Safety Cases Railtrack MPD East Anglia, Liverpool Street, London United Kingdom Rail 1996 2 months Fixed price Safety Case, Risk Assessment Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack MPD East Anglia, PM Safety Consultants Limited prepared a report on a simplified approach to the development of a project Safety Case and the supporting risk assessment process. An insight into the work was gained whilst working on the EPS beyond London infrastructure change project Safety Case and Risk Assessment. The approach of simplifying the process for small repeatable infrastructure change projects was aimed at reducing costs and standardising the approach to risk assessment by a consideration of generic risks wherever possible. During the development of the report, extensive discussions were held with Railtrack MPD East Anglia safety personnel in order to agree the eventual simplified process. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0038 035 Secondment of Safety personnel to Stratex Worley Australia Stratex Worley Joint Venture, Perth Australia Australia Oil & Gas 1996 7 months Reimbursable Reliability Assessment Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for the Stratex Worley Joint Venture, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel prepared a reliability model using the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Package (RAMP) software for a gas conditioning plant for a client in Brunei. Further details are confidential. Study Report  1200 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0039 036 Secondment of Safety personnel to Qest Australia Qest Group, Melbourne Australia Australia  Oil & Gas 1996/1997 30 months Reimbursable Safety Case Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Qest in Melboune, Australia, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel were seconded to work on drilling work over safety case production. This work involved the traditional frequency and consequence assessment in support of the safety case development. Further details of this project are confidential and cannot be disclosed. Study Report  4350 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0040 037 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1996/1997 12 months Reimbursable Safety Case  Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited placed a safety consultant on attachment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to assist them with their safety and licensing assessment work load associated with the various facilities at Deep River and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Canada.
The nature of the work was to perform safety studies such as HAZOP’s, FTA and other risk assessment on the AECL plant.  Further Details are confidential.
Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0041 038 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1996/1997 6 months  Reimbursable  Safety Case and Various Risk Assessments Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited placed a safety consultant on attachment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to assist them with their safety and licensing assessment work load associated with the various facilities at Deep River and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Canada.
The nature of the work was to perform safety studies such as HAZOP’s, FTA and other risk assessment on the AECL plant.  Further Details are confidential.
Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0042 039 One Day Training Course on Safety Cases and supporting analyses Devonport Management Limited (DML), Plymouth United Kingdom Nuclear 1996/1997 2 man weeks Fixed price Training Course Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC provided a training course to DML management on the principles of safety case and the supporting anayses such as FTA/ETA/FMECA etc and how they combine to support the safety case. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0043 040 Risk Assessment for the Stafford Cross-Over Owen Williams Railways for Railtrack Midlands Zone, Birmingham United Kingdom Rail 1997 1 month Fixed price Risk Assessment, Monte Carlo Simulation Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working as a sub-contractor to Owen Williams Railways, PM Safety Consultants Limited organised and conducted a project risk assessment for the proposed implementation of the Stafford Cross-Over. This work involved the procurement of software to provide the planning tools, and the use of the Monte Carlo simulation. The first step was the development of a detailed plan for each of the proposed five possessions. The plan was then subjected to a detailed review to investigate the possible impacts of over-runs on each of the individual tasks. This information was then put into the Monte Carlo simulation software, and a profile for the likelihood of successfully completing each possession was produced. The output from the analysis was fed back into the strategy for the possession planning in order to have a high confidence that the work to be undertaken could actually be completed within the planned possessions, ie. to minimise the risk of possession over-run and thus avoid penalty costs which are inevitably incurred when possessions over-run. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0044 041 HAZOP Study Interfleet Technology, Derby UK United Kingdom Rail 1997 1 month Fixed price HAZOP, Railtrack Standard HAZOP Keywords Consultancy  YES NO NO NO   Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0045 042 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) Marking Scheme HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1997 1 month Fixed price PSA Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited provided advice to HM NII on how best to judge the adequacy of PSA work Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0046 043 Secondment of Safety personnel to Qest Australia Qest Consulting, Melbourne Australia Australia  Oil & Gas 1997 18 months Reimbursable Esso Bass Straits, Risk Assessment, Safety Case  Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited provided personnel on secondment to Qest in Melbourne Australia to prepare UK style safety case documents and risk assessments. Various Study reports 2700 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0047 044 Safety Case for ECML Infrastructure Change to Enable Class 373/2 & Class 365/5 Railtrack Major Projects Division London North East & East Anglia, London  United Kingdom Rail 1996/1997 8 months Fixed price Safety Case, Risk Assessment, Hazard Log, Railtrack Safety Management Systems Guidance forerunner to the Yellow Book Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited prepared the first draft and subsequent updates of the project safety case for the infrastructure change to enable the running of Class 373/2 Regional Eurostar and Class 365/5 Networker on the East Coast Main Line and the route up to King’s Lynn. The scope of the infrastructure change was varied and covered the following works:

·         Permanent Way / Civils
·         Re-siting of minor lineside features
·         OHLE works, including re-registration
·         Telecommunication works
·         Signalling works

PM Safety Consultants Limited also facilitated the risk assessment process with the various design teams on the project. A risk assessment report was prepared, and a hazards log or register was developed. The methods adopted for this study were those specified in the Railtrack MPD Divisional Manual, Volume 10. A key aspect of this part of the work was to demonstrate by a systematic approach that risks had been controlled to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). The safety case and the supporting risk assessment report were submitted to the Railtrack zonal Safety Review Groups, and comments addressed accordingly. Both documents were accepted by the London North East and East Anglia zonal Safety Review Groups. PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel also complied the CDM Health & Safety file, acting on behalf of MPD as the Planning Supervisor.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0048 045 Secondment of Safety Personell to Siemens Germany Siemens Transportation, Erlangen, Germany Germany Rail 1997 12 months Reimbursable Safety Analysis, FTA/ETA, EMU Secondment YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited seconded two personnel to Siemens Transportation in Erlangen, Germany, to assist with the Safety Assurance for the Heathrow Express project. The work involved various safety analysis tasks on a variety of train systems. Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0049 046A Secondment of a Safety Engineer to WCML RM - Safety Manager, Re-Signalling Railtrack WCML Route Modernisation, Birmingham United Kingdom Rail 1996 12 months Reimbursable Risk Management, Signalling Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack WCML Route Modernisation, PM Safety Consultants Limited seconded a specialist safety consultant to act as Safety Manager, Re-Signalling. The remit was to co-ordinate the approach to risk management on the re-signalling aspects of the route modernisation, which included Train Control Systems. Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0050 046B Secondment of a Safety Engineer to WCML RM - Safety Risk Manager Railtrack WCML Route Modernisation, Birmingham United Kingdom Rail 1996 12 months Reimbursable Risk Management Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Railtrack WCML Route Modernisation, PM Safety Consultants Limited seconded a specialist safety consultant to act as Safety Risk Manager. The remit was to co-ordinate the approach to risk management across the project as a whole, and to manage the production and use of the safety risk register or hazards log. The position was based at Stanier House in Birmingham, and the engineer reported to both the Director of Safety and the Project Director. Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0051 047 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 1996 12 months Reimbursable Hazards Assessment and Safety Case  Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC provided a safety engineer on secondment at AECL offices in Deep River Ontario to perform various safety related anayses and prepare safety documentation for review by the Canadian nuclear licensing authorities.  Further details are confidential. Study Report  1746 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0052 048 Safety Risk Manual Interfleet Technology, Derby UK United Kingdom Rail 1996 1 month Fixed price Contract Conditions Safety, CDM and Health and Safety Planning  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Generic safety assessment procedures development. A series of Generic Safety Procedures such as guidance to HAZOP Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0053 049 Contractor’s Safety Case Ferson Contractors Limited, Bristol UK United Kingdom Rail 1997 2 months  Fixed Price  Contract Conditions Safety, CDM and Health and Safety Planning  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Development of a Contractors Assurance Case  Contractors Assurance Case Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0054 050 Contractor’s Safety Case TR Jones, UK United Kingdom Rail 1997 2 months  Fixed Price  Contract Conditions Safety, CDM and Health and Safety Planning  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Development of a Contractors Assurance Case  Contractors Assurance Case Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0055 051 Contractor’s Safety Case Thomas Vale, UK United Kingdom Rail 1997 2 months Fixed Price  Contract Conditions Safety, CDM and Health and Safety Planning  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Development of a Contractors Assurance Case  Contractors Assurance Case Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0056 052 IPR 80Te Crane at DML HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1997/1998 3 months  Fixed Price Crane Assessment, Fault tree analysis Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Independent technical assessment of Crane Safety at DML on behalf of HM HSE NII. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0057 053 HAZOP for HEX Interfleet Technology, Derby UK United Kingdom Rail 1997 1 week Reimbursable  HAZOP Chairman Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC assisted Intefleet with the provision of a HAZOP Chairman HAZOP Report  40 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0058 054 Secondment of Safety personnel to Qest Australia Qest Group Australia Oil & Gas 1997/1998 20 months Reimbursable Risk Assessment, Safety Case, QRA, Fault tree Analysis Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for Qest in melbourne, Australia, PM Safety Consultants Limited personnel were seconded to work on various safety projects for a range of oil and gas operators and design companies, including Premier Oil, Kvaeverner, Australian Department of Defence, ESSO Australia and various confidential gas clients. The specific details of each assignment remain confidential. Study Report  3000 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0059 055 100 Basic Principles Course Railtrack United Kingdom Rail 1997 2 days course Fixed Price Safety Principles, CDM Regulations  Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC assisted Railtrack in the delivery of their 100 Basic Safety Principles course to several contractors working for the first time in the railway industry on the station regeneration project.  PMSC responsibility was to provide a module on the CDM Regulations and the role of the planning supervisor. Course Notes and Slides Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0060 056 Secondment of Safety personnel to Railtrack Railtrack West Coast Main Line United Kingdom Rail 1997/1998/1999/2000 4 years Reimbursable Safety Case and Various Risk Assessments Secondment YES NO NO NO The Network Management Centre Project forms a major part of Control Systems delivery on the West Coast Route Modernisation programme.  It will centralise route planning and signalling control functions into a dedicated operational control room.  It will take control of large sections of the West Coast, from London to Crewe by May 2005.
The Project will utilise American signalling control technology, providing advance automatic route setting and planning algorithms and it will enable more effective perturbation and business management.  The systems will require UK safety approvals, and early indications suggest a CENELEC Safety Integrity Level 2 will be appropriate The Project will therefore require a dedicated Safety Case to be developed, encompassing software development, signalling interfaces and new operations procedures amongst other things.
Study Report  7000 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0061 057 HSE CDM File for Lockerly Gas Compression Station Stone & Webster for Transco United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1997 3 months Reimbursable Site Safety, Construction Safety, CDM Regulations Secondment YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was contracted by Stone & Webster, on behalf of Transco, to set up the HSE Management System and CDM Health & Safety file for a new build gas compression station project. During the course of the project several visits were made to the site and to contractors’ premises to audit their Safety Management procedures for site construction works. Site audits were also conducted and the Health & Safety file maintained pending audit by the HSE. - CDM Health and Safety File
- Hazards log
- Health and Safety Plans
500 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0062 058 Safety Management & Hazards Identification Transco, Hinckley Leicestershire. United Kingdom Oil & Gas 1997/1998 12 months Reimbursable Hazard Log, HAZOP, Risk Assessment, CDM Regulations, QRA Consultancy  YES NO NO NO A PM Safety Consultants Limited senior engineer acted as the Safety Manager for a series of upgrades to existing gas compression stations at Bishop Auckland and Carnforth, and for a new build project in Aberdeen. The work involved management of safety at the design stage, and several visits to the site were made to ensure compliance with both CDM site safety regulations and design safety requirements. Additionally, several HAZOP (Hazards Identification) sessions were chaired by PM Safety Consultants Limited, and a detailed hazards log was maintained. PMSC Limited also project-managed the Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for potential fires and explosions at each site. During the project the emphasis was clearly placed on cascading design controls into the actual work on site to assure safety.

Following on from the successful conclusion of the safety work within the scope of SWEL, PM Safety Consultants Limited was retained directly by Transco to perform safety analysis work beyond the scope of SWEL but within the overall scope of the project. This involved a series of HAZOPs associated with the operation of the Dresser Rand gas turbines being used at Aberdeen. The existing Hazards Log was thus extended to include the actuating gas system and the gas calorimeter devices. Additionally, a full scale reliability analysis of a gas compression station was conducted on behalf of Transco, using FMECA and Fault Tree Analysis. Fault Tree Plus software was used in the study, which involved a further three months working directly for Transco.
- Reliability Analysis Report for three Gas Compression Stations
- HAZOP Reports  
1500 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0063 059 Review of the Schedule of Initiating Events for 14 & 15 Docks at Devonport HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1998 6 months Fixed price Independent peer review, Safety Case, NII Safety Assessment Principles Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Working directly for HM NII, PMSC Limited conducted a detailed technical peer review of the schedule of initiating fault frequency submissions for both 14 and 15 Dock at the Devonport naval base.
This project was part of PMSC's ongoing technical support to HM NII on safety case matters at Devonport.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0064 060 Secondment of Safety personnel to Railtrack Railtrack Thameslink 2000 United Kingdom Rail 1998/1999 4 months Reimbursable RAM Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited placed an engineer on attachment at Railtrack Thameslink offices. Initially the remit was to provide RAM advice within the project team, and to write the scope of work for the RAM modelling for the infrastructure improvement plan. The contractor eventually selected was Jardine, using their TRAIL model. Study Report  312 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0065 061 Secondment of safety personnel to Raytheon Essex Raytheon Systems Limited United Kingdom Defence 1998/1999 12 months Reimbursable RAM, Defence, Aviation control systems Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited attached a RAM engineer to Raytheon Systems in Harlow to work on a number of key defence projects. The work involved extensive FMECA and FTA using industry standard Isograph software. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0066 062 Assessment of the Risk of Failure to Shutdown of the NRU Reactor Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Canada Nuclear 1998/1999 12 months Reimbursable Safety Case and Various Risk Assessments Secondment YES NO NO NO The assessment formed part of the NRU Reactor Safety Evaluation project undertaken by AECL. PM Safety ConsultaNTS Limited seconded an engineer to AECL to assist in the assessment and the production of a report. The assessment was part of a justification case for the adequacy of a single fast-acting shutdown system in the NRU reactor. The justification case was a requirement of the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB), in order to permit continued operation of the NRU reactor beyond the year 2000.
Major tasks included:
·         Completion of Initiating Failure Event Frequency Analysis
·         Completion of Common Cause Failure Analysis
·         Completion of Hazard Vulnerability Study
·         Completion of First Trip System and Shutdown System Fault Tree Analysis (minor revisions)
·         Completion of Second Trip System Fault Tree Analysis (description only)
·         Completion of Event Tree Analysis
·         Completion of Report
·         Response to Review Comments
Post Project Note
The project was cancelled by AECL in May 1999, 8 months into the project.
Various internal reports to AECL. 1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0067 063 Secondment of Alistair McClean - Regional NE Railways / Northern Spirit Project Siemens Transportation, Erlangen, Germany Germany Rail 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 5 years Reimbursable Reliability & Safety Programme Plans; Reliability Critical Items List; Technical Casualty Criteria; FMECA; Fault Tree Analysis; Hazard Identification & Management; Hazard Tree / Accident Group Tree; Hazard Log; Hazard Matrix; Risk Assessment & Safety Targets; Support Safety Case Submissions; Support response to Independent Safety Assessor Secondment YES NO NO YES Support on Northern Spirit EMU train unit and other projects as required:
·       Review/rework FMECAs & Fault Trees for Class 333.
·       Review and rework of base event data.
·       General support in the safety and reliability analysis process for NS.
·       Support production of EMU train unit technical description.
·       Review of Train Structure Tree (EMU system breakdown).
·       Production of Reliability and Safety Programme Plans.
·       Preparation of Reliability Critical Items List and Technical Causalty Criteria documentation.
·       Review targets & results from the Safety Targets Application Process.
·       General support in the safety and reliability analysis process for NS project.
·       Production of Hazard Tree / Accident Group Tree.
·       Organisation of Hazard Identification Meetings and Minutes.
·       Definition and general support of the Hazard Identification, Management & Close-out process.
·       Production of  the complete project Hazard Matrix and Hazard Log.
·       Production and support of Safety Case documentation.
·       Preparation and support of Safety Case Submissions to independent assessor/auditor/Railtrack.
·       Support response to independent assessor/Railtrack comments.
Study Report  9000 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0068 064 Systems Assurance for C751B EMU Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Nippon Sharyo Joint Venture Japan Rail 1998/1999 15 months Reimbursable Systems Assurance, EMU, Safety Case, Defence Standard 00-56, EN50126 Consultancy  YES NO NO YES PM Safety Consultants Limited was appointed by the KNS Joint Venture to undertake the Systems Assurance activities for a new-build 6 car EMU for the Singapore MRT. The scope of this project included the following activities:
·         Development of the Safety Assurance Program Plan.
·         Development of RAM Assurance Program Plans.
·         Detailed PHA and HAZOP studies for each train system.
·         Quantified Risk Assessment.
·         Safety Critical Items List.
·         FMECAs.
·         Reliability and Maintainability predictions.
·         Safety Assurance Summary Report (Safety Case Style).
·         RAM Demonstration Test Plan & Procedure

All the activities were documented and submitted to the Singapore Land Transit Authority for their acceptance.
- HAZOP Reports
- QRA Reports
- Human Factors Studies
- RAM Predictions
- Operational Safety Review (integration of the new Trains into the operational environment)
4000 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0069 065 Secondment of Safety personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario United Kingdom Nuclear 1999/2000 18 months  Reimbursable Code Classification, FMEA, Dose Assessments, Site Licence Renewal Secondment YES NO NO NO Code Classification - Analysis of proposed equipment installations to determine failure modes, and the consequences of failures with respect to doses to on and off-site personnel. A typical example would be the installation of sump and associated pipework, pumps and filters to remove contaminated ground water from a building basement. Failure Modes & Effects Analysis - Detailed analysis of site systems to determine failure modes and the impact of failures both environmentally and with respect to the ability of facilities to continue operations. Proposed recommendations to mimimise the impact of individual failures. A typical example would be the FMEA carried out on the site “Active Drain System”. System boundaries were defined and a flowsheet of the pipework, pump, vessels and associated equipment produced.
 Produced a standard methodology utilising AECL computer codes to calculate on and off site doses following hypothetical radioactive airborne releases.  Site Licence Renewal - Involved in the preparation of a document used by the “Atomic Energy Control Board” for assessing how AECL meets the requirements of the Nuclear Safety & Control Act and associated regulations. 
Various Study Reports  2700 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0070 066 Support to the KIT Consortium for C830 Marina Line Bid Kawasaki Itochu Toshiba Consortium United Kingdom Rail 1999/2000 9 months Reimbursable Systems Assurance, EN50126 Consultancy  YES YES YES YES The KIT Consortium appointed PM Safety Consultants Limited as the member responsible for Systems Assurance for the C830 Marina Line project bid (a new underground railway system in Singapore). PM Safety Consultants Limited provided the following input to the bid documentation:

·         Initial Systems Assurance Program Plans
·         Detailed review of the Singapore land Transport Authority (LTA) Systems Assurance requirements and targets
·         Development of an overview system-wide Preliminary Hazards Analysis
·         Development of an overview Operational Philosophy and Preliminary Fault Analysis for a driver-less, fully automated railway.

PMSC was also extensively involved with interface management and systems integration issues where they related to safety features in the design of the core systems.
Study Report  600 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0071 067 Systems Assurance for C751B EMU – R & M Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Nippon Sharyo Joint Venture Japan Rail 1998/1999 15 months Reimbursable RAMS Engineering, Rolling stock Project Consultancy  NO YES YES YES The scope of the PMSC remit for C751B was extended to include all reliability and maintainability activities in addition to safety related activities. Study Report  3000 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0072 068 Secondment of Safety personnel to provide Safety Audit for New Light Railway, Kuala Lumpur Bombardier Transportation Systems Limited (Kuala Lumpur) Kuala Lumpur Rail 1999 3 months Reimbursable Safety Auditing, Commissioning, Light Rail Secondment YES NO NO YES PM Safety Consultants Limited attached a safety engineer to Bombardier to provide operational safety support services and assist the Commissioning Manager in certifying the safety of a new light railway system in Kuala Lumpur. The role was to provide a safety audit function on site to ensure that all the appropriate safety measures were installed correctly and fully integrated into the operational railway. Study Report  500 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0073 069 Clearances Risk Assessment, West Coast Main Line Rugby – Brinklow Section Scott Wilson Railways Limited for Railtrack. Swindon UK United Kingdom Rail 1999 1 month Fixed price Risk Assessment, Clearances Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PM Safety Consultants Limited was sub-contracted by Scott Wilson Railways  to prepare a clearances risk assessment for the Rugby to Brinklow section of the West Coast Main Line. The assessment reviewed the clearances at each major structure adjacent to the route, including the following:
·         Under – bridges
·         Over – bridges
·         Foot bridges
·         Viaducts

The risk assessment was conducted using the guidance provided in the Railtrack Yellow Book. The final Clearances Risk Assessment report was accepted by Railtrack.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0074 070 Transportation Risk Assessment – Regenerative Fuel Cell National Power Plc / Innogy, Cardiff United Kingdom Energy 1999/2000 5 months Fixed price HAZOP, Risk Assessment Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited facilitated a HAZOP with Innogy, part of National Power plc. The HAZOP was then used as the basis for a formal risk assessment for a new form of energy cell. Further details are confidential due to the commercially sensitive nature of the product. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0075 071 Support for 14/15 Dock Safety Case Assessment HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 1999/2000 3 months Fixed price Independent review, Safety Case Consultancy  YES NO YES NO PMSC Limited assisted HM NII in the technical review of safety case documents for 14 and 15 docks at Devonport naval dockyards in Plymouth. This contract was part of the ongoing support being provided by PMSC Limited to the NII. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0076 072 Reliability of 9 Dock Overside Services HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 2000 3 months Fixed price Independent review, Safety case Consultancy  YES NO YES NO PMSC Limited assisted HM NII in the technical review of safety case documents (PCSR stage) for the Overside Services for 9 dock at Devonport naval dockyard in Plymouth. This contract was part of the ongoing support provided by PMSC to the NII. Additionally, the Overside Services contribution to the 9 dock Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) was reviewed and improvements proposed. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0077 073 RCM / Safety Management for VICO, Kalimantan VICO (Jakarta, Indonesia) Jakata Oil & Gas 1998/1999 12 months Fixed price RCM, Safety Management Secondment YES NO NO NO Working on a sub-contract arrangement with Worley Engineering in Jakarta (Ceria Worley), PM Safety Consultants Limited seconded an engineer to a gas compression station in Kalimantan, owned and operated by VICO. The remit was to conduct hands-on RCM and other site safety management functions on a one month on, one month off cycle. Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0078 074 Secondment of safety personnel to Bombardier Canada Bombardier Transportation Systems Limited, Kingston, Canada Canada Rail 2000 3 months Reimbursable Safety analysis Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited seconded a safety engineer to the Safety department of Bombardier Transportation Systems Limited in Kingston, Ontario. During this attachment period the consultant was involved with several rail projects currently being managed by Bombardier, principally the Vancouver Sky Train. This contract was part of the periodic support provided by PMSC to Bombardier. Study Report  500 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0079 075 C760 TCI Software Plan NEC System Integration & Construction Limited Japan Rail 2000 1 year Reimbursable IEC 61508, Software systems Consultancy  YES NO NO YES PMSC Limited advised NEC System Integration & Construction Limited on the C760 communication package for the North East Line project, the new driverless train system. The extent of the advisory position was to advise on safety matters as they relate to interpretation and application of the SIL 2 methods required by IEC 61508, the new European standard for software safety assurance. In addition to this core activity, PMSC also provided general RAMS advice on the other C760 project deliverables such as the RAM Demonstration Plan, Maintainability Plan, Maintainability analysis and RAM Fault Tree/RBD analysis for the hardware (mainly electronics).  Finally PMSC facilitated the SIL review for the TETRA Radio system and held a detailed HAZOP which assessed both hardware and software associated with the TETRA system. Study Report  3000 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0080 076 SP 1900 Rolling Stock project in Hong Kong Itochu, Kinki Sharyo, Kawasaki (IKK) Consortium, Japan Japan Rail 2000 1 year Reimbursable (target man-hours) EMU, Rolling stock, RAMS assurance.  EN50126, IEC61508, Hong Kong KCRC Requirements for Operational Safety Reports Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited assisted IKK in the preparation of key safety submissions for the SP 1900 EMUs for East Rail and West Rail. The remit was an initial review of the miscellaneous electrical systems using the HAZOP technique, followed by a detailed QRA for each route (using KCRC-approved methodology). The culmination of the work was the production of the Design Stage Operational Safety Reports (OSRs) for East Rail and West Rail SP 1900 rolling stock. - HAZOP Reports covering interface and Integration issues
- Quantified Risk Assessment Reports
- FMECA Reports
- Operational Safety Reports to KCRC Format for Design and Commission dealing with Systems Integration and Interface Management
4000 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0081 077 Taiwan High Speed Rail Project Taiwan Shinkansen Corporation (TSC), Japan Japan Rail Dec-00 6 years Reimbursable (target man-hours) RAMS Engineering, Safety Management and Systems Engineering and Integration, Human Factors, EN50128, EN50126. Consultancy  YES YES YES YES PMSC Limited has been appointed as the RAMS advisors for the consortium providing the core systems for the new high speed railway project between Taipei and Kaohsiung. At the commencement of this project the PMSC team performed a safety review of the Shinkansen system in japan for three weeks visiting all key facilities to understand the safety features of the Shinkansen design.  Following this PMSC acted as the RAMS and Systems Engineering advisors to the Japanese consortium providing the core system.  The core system comprised of Rolling Stock, Electrification, Driving Simulator, Signalling, Telecommunications, Wayside Equipment.  PMSC assess the hazard potential for the concept and preliminary design and was responsible for interface management wrt hazards and dealing with any system integration issues which arose by making design recommendations to reassess the systems and functional analysis.  Safety Integrity Level assessments were also undertaken and the results integrated into the overall core system design.  Further details are confidential. - Systems Assurance Plan
- Systems Safety Assurance Plan
- Hazards Log including Interface Hazards and Systems Integration issues
- Various RAMS reports including Human Factors and Ergonomic evaluation reports
8200 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0082 078 Hazard Review for Train Catering System INBIS Technology, Derby, UK United Kingdom Rail 2001 2 months Reimbursable Hazards Assessment, Alstom Safety Feature Action Sheets (SFAS),  Hazards Log Management, Hazards Review. Consultancy  YES NO NO NO INBIS are the supplier of the Kitchen and Galley for an Alstom train being supplied to Great Western in the UK.  PM Safety Consultants were requested to assist with the formal closure of 130 hazards identified as a result of the Kitchen and Galley.  The activities conducted were as follows:-
·         Initial review of documentation
·         Visit to Train at the Washwood Heath site
·         Meeting with Alstom to discuss the strategy to be taken
·         Hazards Review meeting to review the hazards
·         Preparation of the Hazards Log
·         Identification of all preventative and/or mitigation measures provided by the design
·         Closure of each of the 130 Alstom Safety Feature Action Sheets
·         Preparation of report to document the process.
The work was formally submitted to Alstom in the form of a master file containing the report, SFAS sheets and Hazards Log.
Study Report  200 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0083 079 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Siemens Transportation, Erlangen, Germany Germany Rail 2001 12 months Reimbursable Railway Safety Case, FMECA, FTA, HAZID, VAB, Railway Group Standards Secondment YES NO NO NO Safety Case and Vehicle Acceptance Body (VAB) support work related to the Desiro UK project.
The Desiro UK train is the third EMU design provided to the UK railway market by Siemens (and its partners). Desiro UK follows Heathrow Express and Northern Spirit. Initially Desiro UK is being provided to Angel Train Leasing and has not been leased by them to operating companies.
VAB work involves the management and support of design activities directly related to satisfying the Railway Group Standards mandatory requirements. The work is specifically related to train electrical and control systems as well as vehicle testing requirements.
The safety work involves activities such as hazard identification, FMECA preparation and Fault Tree Modelling. These are all undertaken as part of the Desiro UK Safety Case process.
Study Report  1641 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0084 080 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Siemen’s, Krefeld, Germany Germany Rail 2001 12 months Reimbursable Railway Safety Case, FMECA, FTA, HAZID, VAB, Railway Group Standards Secondment YES YES NO NO The remit was to provide general safety support to the non-EC&S issues for the new DESIRO train. Study Report  1800 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0085 081 Independent PSA of 9 Dock Overside Services HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 2001 6 months Fixed Price Independent Review, FTA, ETA Consultancy  YES NO YES NO PM Safety Consultants Limited have complied an independent PSA model for the provision of overside cooling water services for facilities at Devenport Dockyard.
Further details are classified.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0086 082 Foam Plant Availability Study INCO Europe Ltd, Cardiff United Kingdom Chemical 2001 3 months Reimbursable Availability Analysis, FTA Consultancy  NO YES YES NO PMSC Limited compiled an independent Availability Study on the INCO Foam plant, which was utilising experimental techniques and technology to  produce high concentration nickel coated foam for the Japanese markets. The study involved the analysis of the production and maintenance data recorded from the previous year which was used to present the production and quality statistics as well as aided the quantification of a process level fault tree. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0087 083 8303 Singapore Project Singapore Land Transport Authority Singapore Singapore Rail 2001 < 1 month Fixed Price Bid Preparation Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Bid proposal to send 2 engineers to Singapore. Project not awarded (PMSC 2nd out of 6 bidders) Bid Documentation  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0088 084 Secondment of safety personnel to Railcare. Railcare limited, Coventry United Kingdom Rail 2001 3 Weeks Reimbursable Reliability analysis Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC worked directly with Railcare collecting Data for an FMECA report. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0089 085 Systems Assurance Presentation Singapore Land Transport Authority Singapore Singapore Rail 2002 3 Day Course Fixed price Systems Assurance, Training course, EN50126 Consultancy  YES NO YES YES PMSC developed a tailor made Systems Assurance course for the Singapore Land Transport Authority. The aims of this course were as follows:
Clearly describe the managerial and project issues associated with Systems Assurance
Extol the virtues and the benefits of Systems Assurance to the engineering fraternity
Provide a grounding for the non-expert in Systems Assurance principles and methods using slides and worked examples
Provides an overall programme and framework for Systems Assurance and some insights of why things go wrong or how to get it right first time.
Modules of the course covered Safety Management Principles; Safety Management Standards; Safety Management Concepts; LTA Safety Management Process and Related Topics; Overview of Systems Assurance Techniques.
The Safety Management Principles Module covered:
Basic Principles Of A Risk Based Safety
Management Programme
Origins Of Systems Assurance
Discussion And Review Of Best Practice
Systems Safety Assurance (Outline Concepts)
Safety Policies
Risk Management And Risk Management Criteria
The Concept Of ALARP (Legal Origin)The Safety Management Standards Module Covered:
Applicable Safety Management Standards
Walk Through EN 50126
Walk Through HSE 2000
Walk Through EN 50129 And IEC 61508
What The Standards Don’t Say i.e. “Best Practice”
Life Cycle Programme Issues
Worked Example (Application Of Standards)The Safety Management Concepts module covered:
Safety Risk Management
Safety Integrity
Development Of Safety Requirements
Allocation Of Requirements
SIL Determination
System Realisation
Safety Validation
Brief Review Of Other Standards And Approaches
The LTA Safety Management Process and Related Topics module covered:
Safety Programme Planning
Requirements And Specification Management
Verification And Validation
Typical Project Flow Chart
The Overview of Systems Assurance Techniques module covered:
Safety Criteria Checklists
HAZOP Methods
Hazards Analysis (Including PHA)
Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA)
Modules also included a variety of worked examples to exemplify the points made in the body presentation.
Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0090 086 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Siemen’s, Krefeld, Germany Germany Rail 2002 24 months  Reimbursable Railway Safety Case, FMECA, FTA, HAZID, VAB, Railway Group Standards.  EN50126 Secondment YES NO NO NO This project involved PMSC working directly with Siemens Krefeld on the Desiro UK project. Work involved attendance of Hazard Close Out meetings; FMEA for Meeting Train Communication and review of draft FMEA report; Review of Hazard Close Out documents; Review of Brake Communication Network including Multifunctional Vehicle Bus revised FMEA report; Review of Door FMEA reports; Review of Door Fault Trees Report; Preparation work for and involvement in HAZID studies. Study Report  3600 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0091 087 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Network Rail, Thames Link 2000 Project, London United Kingdom Rail 22-Apr-02 12 Months Reimbursable Safety Case and Various Risk Assessments including consideration of CDM Secondment YES NO NO YES Working directly for Railtrack Thameslink 2000 project PMSC provided technical support by assisting Railtrack in the preparation of the Thameslink 2000 Engineering Safety case, which addresses all 33 of the major scopes of the £1 billion project. The required safety studies associated with the infrastructure changes being identified and will form the safety deliverables for the contractors. in addition the interface between Railtrack and the submissions to the internal and external approval bodies is being managed. - Input towards the Safety Case and Hazard Log 500 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0092 088 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 22-Apr-02 18 months  Reimbursable Nuclear Safety, licensing, Hazards Identification. Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for AECL, PM Safety Consultants limited provided ongoing technical support to the Canadian Nuclear Research programme.
Specifically, our secondee has been providing licensing support in 3 project areas for the Waste Remediation Division researching the acceptance criteria from similar plants.

1) Upgrade the existing processing plant
2) and 3) are to build new facilities and make historic waste safe.

Furthermore, PMSC aided the revision of the ' Site Characteristics Document ' which contains details of site description and an assessment of external hazards to the site.
Various internal reports to AECL. 2700 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0093 089 Independent Review of D1208 Safety Case HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear Aug-02 4 months Fixed price Independent review, Safety case Consultancy  YES NO YES NO PM Safety Consultants provided technical assistance to the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate during their review of the D1208 Safety Case documentation.  In particular, a detailed review of the various HAZOPs conducted for the plant was undertaken and a completeness check made. Study Report  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0094 090 General Assistance to KHI on the TSC/THSRC project Kawaski Heavy Industries, Kobe Japan. Japan Rail Sep-02 15 months Reimbursable Fire Testing to BS6853 and BS476, evacuation modelling, quantified fire risk assessment, human factors, ergonomic consideration of disabled facilities, train cab instrumentation layout. Consultancy  YES NO YES YES PM Safety Consultants has provided consultancy support to Kawasaki Heavy Industries on the Taiwan High Speed Railway project.  The assistance was to firstly agree the strategy for the fire testing for the THSR project and then coordinate and integrate the design development to meet the requirements of BS6853 and BS 476.  In addition to the fire testing a detailed fault and event tree model was developed for various theoretical fire scenarios in order to assess the equivalent fatality risk arising from the proposed design of high speed rolling stock.  The advise provided by PMSC has been to provide a fully integrated fire protection strategy for the rolling stock to meet the stringent requirements placed by the Taiwanese customer.  All fire testing has been independently witnessed by TUV Germany on behalf of the Taiwan customer.  - Fire Evacuation Reports
- Fire Testing Reports
- QRA Modelling for fire risks
- Human Factors Study Reports 
3000 Ongoing  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0095 091 Secondment Reliability personnel for Connex 8/9 project. Bombardier Transport Ltd, Derby United Kingdom Rail Sep-02 9 months Reimbursable RCM, Reliablility Improvement Program, Electrostar. Consultancy  YES NO NO YES PM Safety Consultants provided technical assistance to Bomardier Transportation Ltd at their Derby site working on the reliability improvement program for the Electrostar EMU being supplied as lots 8 and 9 for the Connex train operating company.  PMSC assisted in the application of the Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) methodology to several of the train systems including Passenger Doors, Propulsion System and Passenger Information System.  The analysis required a detailed understanding of failure data from the depots and an understanding of the failure criteria applied by Connex for trains in service. - Failure Modes Reports
- Incident Defect Matrix Reports
- List of LRUs for various systems
- RCM Study Reports
- Trouble shooting Guides
- Test Procedures
- Review of Supplier Test Procedures
- Vehicle Maintenance Instruction Manuals   
2700 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0096 092 Production of HSE Plan Pentagon Freight PLC, UK United Kingdom Freight 28-Oct-02 2 months Fixed price Health and Safety Plan, Heavy Lifts, Cargo Transport, Pentasafe, BP Generic Safety Requirements Consultancy  YES NO YES YES Developed a generic safety plan for a large heavy freight movement from Fos-Sur-Mer (France) to the SPS facility in Baku Azerbaijan.  This included a consideration of the BP Golden Rules of Safety and the Hazard potential and Safety Measures required at each stage of the lifting and transfer of the freight. The freight cargo was a series of large modules and associated pipework for a BP facility being constructed in Azerbaijan. - HSE Plan to meet BP Golden Rules of Safety including CDM
- Hazards Log for Freight Movements
- Independent review of the Pentasafe System
Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0097 093 Thameslink 2000 Audit Network Rail Limited, UK United Kingdom Rail 10-Mar-03 2 months Fixed price Safety Management System Auditing, Safety Case Auditing, Thameslink 2000 project, Network Rail Yellow Book Requirements Consultancy  YES NO NO YES Over a 2 month period PMSC assisted Network Rail with the provision of Systems Assurance expertees on 2 main audits of the Thameslink 2000 Project Team.  Initially, an audit was conducted to evaluate and capture best practice from the main Thameslink 2000 Project then a second audit was conducted on the CTRL Blockade Project associated with the Thameslink 2000 Project. - Safety Auditing Reports  Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0098 094 Audit and Review of the CAC BCM Construction Ltd, UK United Kingdom Rail 2002 2 weeks Fixed price CAC, Audit, RT/LS/016 Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC prepared standard checklist against the requirements of RT/LS/016 for safety auditing purposes. - Bid documentation Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0099 095 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Siemens, Krefeld Germany Germany Rail 2002 12 months Fixed price Rolling Stock Safety Case, Desiro, Hazard Closout Reports, Fault Tree Analysis Secondment YES YES NO YES PMSC is supporting Siemens Transportation Ltd on their Desiro UK projects in the provision of safety case expertise. A number of Hazard Closeout reports have also been prepared in support of the safety case for submission to the Network Rail Rolling Stock Acceptance Board.  - Various Hazards Close Out reports and inputs to the Safety Case  1800 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0100 096 Support of Scott Wilson's Systems Assurance Department Scott Wilson Railways, Swindon UK United Kingdom Rail May-03 3 years Reimbursable/Fixed Price Management Assistance on Systems Assurance,  Consultancy  YES YES YES YES PMSC is working in a non exclusive collaboration with Scott Wilson Railways UK Ltd to develop a new Systems Assurance Unit within their Railway division.  The work with SWR is across a range of activities and includes 1. Developing Standard Procedures for the application of Systems Assurance to the Scott Wilson business. 2. Occasional headhunting of staff for the SWR SA Unit. 3. Provision of advice and studies in the field of RAMS e.g. Fixed Price Reliability Assessment of the Signet system (Power supply system to signalling systems). 4. General advice and support on a range of bids in collaboration with Scott Wilson, e.g. Crossrail London, Spoornet South Africa, various projects in China, various projects for Network Rail, various projects for Tubelines and Metronet. - Various Procedural Documents
- Support to bid documents
- Signet Power Supply Availability Study Report
250 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0101 097 Risk Assessment for Gasholders Advantica, Lougborough UK United Kingdom Gas Oct-03 9 months Reinbursable Gasholders, Risk Assessments, NGT Secondment YES NO NO NO PMSC has assisted Advantica, Loughborough, with the provision of Safety Risk Assessment expertise on a number of Gasholder sites around the UK including Reading, Kennington, Temple, Partington, Aylestone, Provan.  The risk assessments have been conducted using bespoke software developed by Advantica. In addition to the risk assessment work, emergency evacuation from gasholder sites has been assessed. - Various Gas Holder Risk Assessment Reports and supporting analyses
- Evacuation Reports 
500 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0102 098 TETRA Safety Case Mason D Telecoms, London United Kingdom Telecoms Aug-03 3 months Fixed price TETRA, Network Rail Yellow Book, Safety Case, Network Rail Safety Review Group, Midlands Region Consultancy  YES NO YES YES As part of the National roll out of the TETRA technology for use by the British Tranport Police, a safety case was required for Birmingham New Street Railway Station as the lead trial site for the TETRA Digital Repeater System.  PMSC acted as the safety case coordinators for MDT London, Mikom UK Ltd and Airwave mmO2. Included in the safety case was an assessment of the design risks posed by the TETRA system and the risks associated with implementation of the system. The safety case was written in 7 weeks and cleared through the Midland Region SRG.   - Safety Case
- HAZOP Report
- Hazards Log 
Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0103 099 Provision of Project Management Support to BPRSL Blue Print Rail Supply Limited, Belper United Kingdom Rail Sep-03 6 weeks Reimbursable Dockland Light Railway Refurbishment, Alstom Rennovation Ltd, Engineering Coordination Safety Management, RAM Planning  Consultancy  YES YES NO YES PMSC assisted Alstom Rennovation Ltd on their DLR articulated two car vehicle refurbishment in the provision of a temporary Engineering Manager as a result of extended holiday of the incumbant. In addition to the general engineering function, PMSC also advised on fire safety and safety case issues and prepared an FMECA document for the new heater system.  In addition, a strategic review was undertaken of the reliability targets being imposed by DLR on the refurbishment. - FMECA Report for Heater System
- RAM Strategy Report
- Engineering Integration Status Reports and progress reports
250 Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0104 100 NII SRC Crane Reliability Assessment HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear Oct-03 3 months Fixed price Crane, Reliability Assessment, Safety Case Review, SRC crane at DML Devonport Dockyard Consultancy  YES YES YES NO PMSC is providing technical suppport to the HSE NII in the review of the safety case and reliability assessment documentation associated with the 80 te SRC crane at Devonport Dockyards, Plymouth.  The project involves a review of existing Design Substantiation Reports and Safety Analyses and the development of a Fault Tree Assessment for the probability of a dropped load or uncontrolled lowering event on the crane. - Study Report
- Detailed Fault Tree analysis
- Failure Modes and Effects Assessment, FMEA
- Functional Block Diagrams for Main Hoist
300 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0105 101 Preparation of Contractors Assurance Case for Mikom UK Ltd Mikom UK Ltd (part of the Andrew Group), Newbury United Kingdom Telecoms Nov-03 6 months  Fixed price Contractors Assurance Case, RT/LS/016 Consultancy  YES NO NO NO PMSC and Mikom have formed a joint working team with the objective of preparing a contractors assurance case for submission to Network Rail. Contractors Assurance Case 250 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0106 102 Preparation of Contractors Assurance Case for Areva Transmission and Distribution Areva T&D, Stafford United Kingdom Rail Jan-04 4 months  Fixed Price Contractors Assurance Case, RT/LS/016 Consultancy  YES YES NO YES PMSC and Areva T&D have formed a joint working team with the objective of preparing a contractors assurance case for submission to Network Rail.  This work contains a detailed HAZOP and risk ranking study including an ALARP consideration for a typical 25kV substation installation on Network Rail Controlled Infrastructure. Contractors Assurance Case (DRAFT) including HAZOP Breifing Note and Hazards Log  Fixed Price  Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0107 103 General Safety Support to Antagrade Electrical Antagrade Electrical Middlewich. United Kingdom Rail Feb-04 1 month Fixed Price Safety Management System Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Review and audit of a Safety Management System  Audit report Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0108 104 Secondment of safety personnel to Siemens Germany. Siemen’s, Krefeld, Germany Germany Rail 2004 6 months Reimbursable Railway Safety Case, FMECA, FTA, HAZID, VAB, Railway Group Standards.  EN50126 Secondment YES NO NO NO This project involved PMSC working directly with Siemens Krefeld on the Desiro UK project. Work involved attendance of Hazard Close Out meetings; FMEA for Meeting Train Communication and review of draft FMEA report; Review of Hazard Close Out documents; Review of Brake Communication Network including Multifunctional Vehicle Bus revised FMEA report; Review of Door FMEA reports; Review of Door Fault Trees Report; Preparation work for and involvement in HAZID studies. Study Report  900 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0109 105 Safety work for Siemens Germany. Siemen’s, Krefeld, Germany Germany Rail Jun-04 3 months Fixed Price Rolling Stock Safety Case, Desiro, Hazard Closout Reports, Fault Tree Analysis Consultancy  YES YES NO YES PMSC is supporting Siemens Transportation Ltd on their Desiro UK projects in the provision of safety case expertise. A number of Hazard Closeout reports have also been prepared in support of the safety case for submission to the Network Rail Rolling Stock Acceptance Board.  - Various Hazards Close Out reports and inputs to the Safety Case  Fixed Price  Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0110 106 Not used                                     
0111 107 Spanish RAMS Seminar MTP Madrid Spain Rail 2004 2 weeks Fixed Price RAMS Seminar presentation Consultancy  YES YES YES YES Development of a 40 minute presentation on the subject of RAMS and the benefits to the Spanish rail industry.  Work done in conjunction with MTP Madrid.  Power Point Slides Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0112 108 Affects of Aging on PSA HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 2004 2 months Fixed Price PSA Consultancy  YES NO YES NO Assessment of the impact of ageing on PSA modelling - research project Research Report  Lump Sum Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0113 109 Extension to the 9 Dock Overside Services Reliability Study HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 2004 2 months Fixed Price Reliability Assessment Consultancy  YES YES YES NO   Total Man Hours  Lump Sum Ongoing  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0114 110 Safety Advice for Japguar Motor Cars Jaguar Motor Cars Limited, Whitley United Kingdom Automotive 2004 5 months Fixed Price Automotive Safety, FMEA, Safety Case  Consultancy  YES YES NO YES Safety advise on a range of new features such as Electric Parking Brake; Active Front Steering; Shift By Wire and other new features being currently researched.  Developed scope of work for Independent Safety Assessor and ran a competition to select an ISA for the Rotary Shifter Shift By Wire Project. Defined set of deliverables see project file Series of Lump Sums Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0115 111 Safety Management Systems scoping study Premier Pumps Group United Kingdom Construction 2004 2 weeks Reimbursable Audit and development of SMS Consultancy  YES NO NO NO Attended audit with Shell and Taylor Woodrow and afterwards prepared a review of the current Safety Management System and the way forward to bring this into line with client expectations. Audit report 30 Completed  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0116 112 Extension to 80Te Crane Reliability Study HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (part of the HSE), Bootle Merseyside United Kingdom Nuclear 2004 4 months Fixed Price Control systems assessment of 80 Te Crane  Consultancy  YES YES YES NO Further development of the reliability fault and event tree model to encompass additional more detailed failure modes in the control systems for the crane protection.  Extensive relay and control logic was assessed. Technical Report and FTA/ETA Fixed Price  Ongoing  Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None 
0117 114 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 28th March 2005 12 Months Reimbursable Nuclear Safety, licensing, Hazards Identification. Secondment YES NO NO NO Working directly for AECL, PM Safety Consultants limited provided ongoing technical support to the Canadian Nuclear Research programme.
Specifically, our secondee has been providing licensing and Safety Case support in 3 project areas for the Waste Remediation Division researching the acceptance criteria from similar plants.

Various internal reports to AECL. 1800 Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0118 115 Reliability Scoping Study EDI Rail Australia Australia Rail Feb-05 1 month Fixed Price Scoping Study Consultancy  YES YES YES YES Scoping study to develop more detailed proposals to assist EDI Rail general engineering safety and RAM input to project work. Scoping Study report Fixed Price  Completed  No PI Required by Customer None 
0119 116 Reliability Improvement Study Work EDI Rail Australia Australia Rail Apr-05 6 months Fixed Price RCM Review
Reliability Benchmarking
Reliability Modelling 
Consultancy  NO YES NO YES PMSC have been contracted by EDI Rail to assess various aspects of their train fleets for how to improve the reliability. RCM Peer Review Report
Reliability Modelling Peer Review
Reliability Benchmarking report
Fixed Price  Ongoing  No PI Required by Customer None 
0120 117 Safety Advice for AFL Aerial Facilities Ltd UK Rail/Telecoms Jul-Aug 2 months Fixed Price Safety Management System Audit Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC performed an audit on the existing safety management system used by AFL and offered corrective action advice to allow AFL to move towards Link-up accreditation and in the future allow them to apply for a Network Rail Contractors Assurance Case.
Safety Management Systems Audit
Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty
0121 118 DSR Review for NII HM Nuclear Installations Inspector (Part of the HSE), Bootle, Merseyside UK Nuclear 2005 1 month Fixed Price DSR Review Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC performed a review of the SRC Crane DSR and the new DML procedure for producing DSR's DSR Review
Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty
0122 119 Crane PSA Standard HM Nuclear Installations Inspector (Part of the HSE), Bootle, Merseyside UK Nuclear 2005 1 month Fixed Price Crane Assessment, Fault Tree Analysis Consultancy YES YES YES YES PMSC provided assistance to the NII in developing a guidebook for NII assessors when assessing a Crane PSA
Crane PSA
Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty
0123 120 Safety Assurance Plan for tender stage Stonefield Systems Ltd UK Aerospace 2005 1 month Fixed Price Airport Runway Systems Information Consultancy YES YES NO YES PMSC assisted with the bid preparation for the Airport Information Systems tender for Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 in the provision of a Systems Assurance Plan and preliminary RAMS analysis
Safety Plan
Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty
0124 121 HAZOP Management AECL Chalk River Canada Nuclear 2005 1 month Fixed Price HAZOP Process Review Consultancy YES YES YES YES Peer Review of HAZOP Process Peer Review Report Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty
0125 122 Contractors Assurance Case for Network Rail ABA Surveying UK Rail 2006 3 months Fixed Price Contractors Assurance Case, RT/LS/016 Consultancy YES YES NO NO PMSC worked along side ABA Surveying personnel to develop the Contractors Assurance Case required for them to offer services directly to Network Rail.
Contractors Assurance Case Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0126 123 Engineering Support to Alstom Wolverton Alstom Renovation Wolverton UK Rail 2006 5 weeks Reimbursable Engineering Management Support Consultancy YES YES NO YES PMSC provided interim engineering management support to Alstom Wolverton on their refurbishment project for the Docklands Light Railway rolling stock refurbishment project. In addition a detailed FMECA report and reliability analysis was undertaken.
Reliability Analysis"
200 Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0127 124 Process HAZOP Study Major Food Processing Company UK Food Processing 2006 2 months Fixed Price HAZOP Consultancy YES NO YES NO PMSC planned and undertook a large scale HAZOP across the whole production facility for a major international food processing company in the UK. Further details are confidential.
HAZOP Study Report Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0128 125 Process HAZOP Study SPX Northampton UK Chemical 2006 2 months Reimbursable HAZOP Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC planned and undertook a HAZOP study on a Chemical Batching Plant
HAZOP Study Report Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0129 126 RAM Managment Metronet Rail via appointed agent UK Rail 2006 10 months Reimbursable RAM Management Consultancy YES YES NO YES PMSC provided interim RAM Management within Metronet Rail working on BCV and SSL. The remit was to set up procedures and systems to be able to manage the performance of the network.

Various RAM Procedures
Various Studies
Pilot Study for Metropolitan Line

Reimbursable Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0130 127 Secondment of Safety Personnel to AECL Canada Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd, Deep River Ontario Canada Nuclear 2006 12 months Reimbursable Nuclear Safety, Licensing, Management, Hazzards Identification Secondment YES NO NO NO "Working directly for AECL, PM Safety Consultants limited provided ongoing technical support to the Canadian Nuclear Research programme.
Specifically, our secondee has been providing licensing and Safety Case Management support and is currently acting as the departmental Safety Manager. "
Various internal reports to AECL 1,800 Ongoing Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0131 128 Safety Audit Howells UK Rail 2007 1 week Fixed Price Safety Auditing, Commissioning, Light Rail Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC undertook a pre Link Up safety audit on Howells.
Safety Audit Report Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0132 129 HSE Lead Advisor Mott MacDonald, Croydon for Agip KCO UK Oil & Gas 2006 10 months Reimbursable HSE Safety; ALARP; HAZOP, SIL Consultancy YES YES YES YES PMSC is providing support to Mott MacDonald on a series of HSE and Systems Assurance deliverables for the new Rail Loading Facility and Marshalling Yard in Kazakahstan.
"HSE & System Assurance Plan
Various ALARP Assessments to meet AgipKCO Requirements
HAZID Reports
SIL Assessment"
Reimbursable Ongoing Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0133 129a Availability Analysis Mott MacDonald,
Croydon for Gasunie Holland
UK Oil & Gas 2007 3 months Fixed Price Availability Simulation using AVSim+ Consultancy NO YES NO NO PMSC has undertaken a complex assessment of the availability for a gas storage and production facility in Holland.
Availability Analysis Report Fixed Price Ongong Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0134 130 CCF Review Suretech Development Ltd Canada Nuclear 2007 3 months Fixed Price CCF events data review Consultancy YES NO YES NO PMSC has provided a peer review service to Suretech Development Limited in Canada on a CCF data review project
CCF Review Report Fixed Price Ongoing Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0135 131 Safety Peer Review TDI AVE UK Rail 2007 2 weeks Fixed Price Peer Review Consultancy YES NO YES NO PMSC provided a peer review for a new form of rapid transport in Sweden
Peer Review Report Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0136 132 Not used                        
0137 133 Safety Personnel AECL Chalk River Canada Nuclear 2007 Not Applicable Fixed Finders Fee Safety Personnel Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC has provided a finders fee service to AECL to recruit new talaent from the UK Nuclear Industry over in Canada.
None Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0138 134 RAMS Review Capita Symonds London UK Rail 2007 3 months Reimbursable Safety and RAM Assurance Consultancy YES YES NO NO PMSC carried out the RAMS analysis required for RIBA Stage C Tube Cooling Project for the Northern Lines package 6 and 7. RAMS Analysis and Safety Plan for RIBA Stage C Reimbursable Completed No PI required by customer None
0139 135 Not used                                    
0140 136 Safety ProcessPeer Review AMEC Nuclear UK Nuclear 2007 1 month Fixed Fee Peer Review Consultancy YES NO NO NO
Peer review of the safety arguments being made for the new EPR Reactor currently being considered by the regulators as part of their strategic review of nuclear power in the UK.
Peer Review Report Fixed Price Completed No PI required by customer None
0141 137 Safety Integrity Level
Method Peer Review
EDI Rail Australia Australia Rail 2007 2 weeks Fixed Fee SIL Methodology working to meet EN50128 requirements Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC Limited has provided advice to EDI Rail on SIL methodology to facilitate agreement with their client Rail Corp Sydney.
SIL Methodology Peer Review Report Fixed Priced Completed No PI required by customer None
0142 138 Graphic Design Work Emprise UK UK Cleaning 2007 1 week Fixed Fee Logo Design Consultancy NO NO NO NO Logo design work
Newly revised logo ideas Fixed Price Completed No PI required by customer None
0143 139 Safety Personnel AECL Chalk River Canada Nuclear 2007 Not Applicable Fixed Finders Fee Safety Personnel Consultancy YES NO NO NO PMSC has provided a finders fee service to AECL to recruit new talaent from the UK Nuclear Industry over in Canada.
None Fixed Price Completed Requirement for PI waived by customer after PMSC offered Warrenty None
0144 140 Safety and Availability Assurance Gasunie Holland working with Mott MacDonald Ltd Croydon Holland Gas Storage 2007 5 months Reimbursable HAZOPs Consultancy YES YES NO YES PMSCL is acting as advisor to Gasunie and Mott MacDonald on a major new Gas storage and production facility to be constructed in Holland
Availability Report
SIL Study
HAZOP Report
Hazards Log
800 Ongoing No PI required by customer None
0145 141 Safety and RAM Assurance Network Rail Ltd, UK (Rugby Nuneaton Upgrade project) UK Rail Construction 2007 12 months Reimbursable Safety and RAM Assurance Consultancy YES YES NO YES PMSC Limited has been retained by the Network Rail RuN project as the Safety and RAM assurance advisor.
HAZID Reports
HAZOP Reports
Safety Case
Yellow book and CDM Training Package
1300 Ongoing No PI required by customer. Link-up re-validation required. None
0146 142 Graphic Design Work John Doyle Construction UK Construction 2007 1 month Fixed Price Graphics Design Consultancy NO NO NO NO Various graphic design enhancements to John Doyle marketing documents
Graphic Design Work Fixed Price Completed No PI required by customer None
0147 143 Gap Analysis EDI Rail Australia Australia Rail 2007 1 month Fixed Price Gap Analysis, Software Safety Consultancy YES NO NO YES PMSC undertook a gap analysis between the requirements of the EN50128 standard (SIL 1 and SIL 2 requirements) and the contract specification for the PPP vehicles in Sydney CES01230 Gap Analysis Excel Spreadsheet Fixed Price Completed No PI required by customer None